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Careers Day at MHS
Students from Year 7 to 13 were invited along to the recent Careers Day, where they were able to get key advice from a number of local and national organisations and employers.
Design by Montpelier High School
We would like to extend a huge thanks to the following companies for their support:
@CoBCollege City of Bristol College
@Circomedia Circomedia
@BSOActing Bristol School of Acting
@sgs_college SGS College
@RollsRoyce Rolls Royce
@atkinsrealis Atkins
@renishawplc Renishaw
@wessexwater Wessex Water
@BurgesSalmon Burges Salmon
@Hayesparsons Hayes Parsons
@UniofBath University of Bath
@UWEBristol UWE Bristol
@DofESouthWest Duke of Edinburgh's Award